If you take a look at my test cases, I did isolate the file I/O.  One of the
tests writes 1000 statements to the servlet console, which I assume uses
STDOUT.  That is blazing fast.

Why don't you just try to write some garbage to a file for testing? Maybe go to the RollingFileAppender's source and check what it does, and try to pinch down what _actually_ is slow - if it is plain straigthforward file IO, then you're obviously slightly screwed in regards to "pure java" bughunting.

.. and btw, customers that have an aversion to profilers should be shot, at least a little bit!

The file is on a local system, not remote.  There is no J2EE security
enabled or anything.

One concerning thing is that even the stand-alone Java application writes
log statement 4 times slower.


Again - make a servlet or bean or whatever (standalone java is obviously the simplest testing platform here), and just write a megabyte of garbage to a file, try both binary (bytestream) and chars (maybe its the charset conversion?!), try also in some different locations, just to rule out "strange areas" of the filesystem - check the speed against your own setup. You could maybe profile the standalone application, at least? Even remote; both JProfiler and YourKit (the two I know!) can do "profile-to-file" stuff.

Happy hacking!

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