Going to guess Remko has something useful to say on this, but since he's in
Japan, just wait a bit for the timezones to make sense.

On 28 March 2014 22:03, Rebecca Ahlvarsson <rahlvars...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying to run the async performance tests described on the link below
> on my machine.
> http://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/async.html#Asynchronous_Logging_Performance
> I am not an expert with log4j, so here is how far I got after building
> log4j with maven:
> java -cp
> target/classes:target/test-classes:lib/disruptor-3.2.1.jar:../log4j-api/target/classes
> org.apache.logging.log4j.core.async.perftest.PerfTest
> org.apache.logging.log4j.core.async.perftest.RunLog4j2 blah blah.log 1
> -verbose
> Then I get this in the output:
> avg=17 99%=32 99.99%=64 sampleCount=5000000
> 9962247 operations/second
> The questions I have are:
> 1. It looks like the source code IPerfTestRunner uses a much shorter
> message "Short Msg" instead of the 500 characters message stated in the
> link above. Is that intentional or is it a bug? Do we want to test the
> latency with the 500-character message or just a short message?
> 2. I notice that my logs are NOT going to any file. I am probably
> misconfiguring something with log4j. How do I generate a file with the
> messages from the performance test?
> 3. I just want to test with one asynchronous logging thread, so I am
> passing threadCount 1 above. What does the second parameter 'blah' mean?
> 4. Not sure why I get operations/seconds if I am not passing -throughput in
> the command-line. I just want to get the latency numbers for now. After
> that I will worry about throughput.
> So basically I just want to run the same test you run to see those great
> numbers on my production machine.
> Thanks for the help!
> -Becky

Matt Sicker <boa...@gmail.com>

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