To be frank, uber jars like this that include other people’s stuff are a 
terrible idea for exactly this reason. See 
<>. It itemizes all the 
jars that are rolled into the uber jar.  You need to just use the individual 
dependencies you need.


> On May 19, 2017, at 2:12 AM, Sigmond Hola <> wrote:
> We have a web project want to use log4j 2 for logging.
> But after I add
>   - log4j-api-2.x.jar
>   - log4j-core-2.x.jar
> to WEB-INF/lib, and add log4j2.xml to WEB-INF/classes, log4j 2 not work.
> I finally found out that there is a jar named activemq-all.jar under
> WEB-INF/lib, and it have classes of log4j (v1) and slf4j inside it.
> Since I cannot delete activemq-all.jar, so how can I use log4j 2 for
> logging while both log4j and log4j 2 classes are in the classpath?
> Thanks.

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