
Sorry for asking, but where could I log a JIRA ticket? I have a very simple 
test case:

public class Log4JTest
    protected static final Logger Log = 
    protected static final int MAX = 10;
    public static void main(String[] args)
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX; ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < MAX; ++j)
                Log.fatal("Fatal i=" + i + "; j=" + j + ";");
                Log.error("Error i=" + i + "; j=" + j + ";");
                Log.warn("Warn   i=" + i + "; j=" + j + ";");
                Log.info("Info   i=" + i + "; j=" + j + ";");
                Log.debug("Debug i=" + i + "; j=" + j + ";");
                Log.trace("Trace i=" + i + "; j=" + j + ";");

And a very simple log4j2.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="info">
                <Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT" >
%level{length=1} %15.15c{1}|  %m%ex{20}%n</pattern>
                <AsyncRoot level="debug">
                                <AppenderRef ref="Console" />

And I can observe that lots of messages are either lost of are not flushed. 
This happens even if I change the console to go to a file.

Thank you,

Laurent Hasson
Co-Founder and CTO
CapsicoHealth Inc.

Research has shown that capsaicin, the substance that gives hot red peppers (or 
chilies) their kick, and boosts our metabolism, keeps immature fat cells from 
developing into full-fledged ones. And a recent study found that a compound in 
some sweet peppers (called CH-19 Sweet), which resembles capsaicin, provides 
similar positive metabolic effects.

-----Original Message-----
From: Remko Popma [mailto:remko.po...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2017 17:36
To: Log4J Users List <log4j-user@logging.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Flushing async appenders

That is strange: with the async appender (and also with async loggers),
Log4j2 should automatically flush the I/O buffer when the async queue is 
You may have found an issue. Can you raise a JIRA ticket for this?

Meanwhile, you can add attribute  immediateFlush="true"  to your Rolling file 
appender configuration. (See also 

On Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 11:42 PM, Laurent Hasson <l...@capsicohealth.com>

> Hello all,
> I have the following configuration file using async appenders. It 
> works well but I have one issue. During low-volume activity on my 
> site, it seems that nothing is output to the file, so it's hard to see what's 
> going on.
> Same issue happens while developing. But as soon as enough activity 
> occurs, then the logs are flushed to the file as expected. I suspect 
> there is a buffer somewhere that only gets flushed when it's full, and 
> so during low activity, that may take a while. Is there a way to 
> control that so that flushing happens more often, wither by sizing the 
> buffer to be smaller, or maybe some timeout value, i.e., flush at least once 
> every 5s?
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Configuration status="info">
>       <Properties>
>             <Property 
> name="log-path">C:\Projects\TomcatDevServer\logs\</
> Property>
>             <Property name="now">${sys:startup}</Property>
>       </Properties>
>       <Appenders>
>             <RollingFile name="FILES" fileName="${log-path}/loga.log"
> filePattern="${log-path}/logs.${now}.%i.log.gz">
>                   <PatternLayout>
>                 <pattern>%d{MMdd.HHmmss.SSS}#%-3t %level{length=1} 
> %15.15c{1}|  %m%ex{20}%n</pattern>
>                   </PatternLayout>
>                   <Policies>
>                         <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="100 MB" />
>                   </Policies>
>                   <DefaultRolloverStrategy max="99999"
> compressionLevel="6"/>
>             </RollingFile>
>             <Async name="ASYNC">
>                   <AppenderRef ref="FILES" />
>             </Async>
>       </Appenders>
>       <Loggers>
>             <Root level="debug">
>                  <AppenderRef ref="ASYNC" />
>             </Root>
>       </Loggers>
> </Configuration>
> Thank you,
> Laurent Hasson

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