I still have no idea why you think you need to reset the log level to null. 
When you reconfigure you are going to get a brand new configuration with 
everything reset anyway. 

If I was doing what you say you want to do I would create a configuration file 
that has the stuff that you always want to add. I would then use 
Configurator.initialize(“file1, file2”) to combine the user’s configuration 
with yours.


> On Dec 19, 2017, at 12:23 PM, Paladox <thomasmulhall...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Thanks, hmm. Im a little unsure how to do this part now. Im only stuck on 
> this last part. Then we can migrate to log42.
> Im wondering how do i get log4j2 to remember the configuation when 
> reconfiguring. As all i need is to reset the log level to null then load the 
> file which reads the logging without causing a null pointer.
> I see there's ConfigurationBuilder as you pointed too but we use a mixture of 
> java / using the properties files.
> So we add a appender with java but add ConsoleAppender through the properties 
> file.
> Reading this 
> https://github.com/apache/log4j/blob/c5f4279081091e562c44bb753f6e52dc6be5fa52/src/main/java/org/apache/log4j/PropertyConfigurator.java#L120
>  seems to say that it just reads the configuation but dosen't clear anything. 
> I wonder would something like be able to be added to log4j2 please?
> On Sunday, 17 December 2017, 23:30:02 GMT, Ralph Goers 
> <ralph.go...@dslextreme.com> wrote:
> The way log4j 1 worked and how log4j 2 works are a bit different. Log4j 1 
> only had Loggers. When you wanted to configure a Logger you obtained a Logger 
> and added an appender to it or set its logging level. If you created a Logger 
> that didn’t have a logging level it would go to its parent Logger and get it 
> from there. So setting a Logger’s logging level to null basically said “look 
> at your parent”.  When an application wants to log something it also obtains 
> a Logger. So the Loggers used for logging and configuration were the same. In 
> order to reconfigure, Log4j 1 would clear everything from the Loggers and 
> then start adding configuration back to them as it processed the 
> configuration. During the time that the Loggers are cleared and before 
> configuration is added back events are ignored.
> Log4j 2 doesn’t work this way at all. When the configuration is read a set of 
> LoggerConfig objects is created. These all contain the same information that 
> is in the configuration file. When an application wants to log it gets a 
> Logger. The Logger looks for a LoggerConfig with its name or, if one isn’t 
> found, one of its ancestors. The Logger then is set with a reference to the 
> LoggerConfig that provides its configuration and it copies that 
> LoggerConfig’s logging level into it to improve performance. Thus, when you 
> want to  change a logging level you need to locate the LoggerConfig for the 
> Logger, update its logging level, and then call updateLoggers to cause all 
> Loggers to reevaluate which LoggerConfig they should be using and what their 
> current logging level is.
> There are several ways to deal with changes. 
> You add a listener to handle configuration changes. This would allow you to 
> reinsert changes to the configuration.
> You can create your own Configuration and combine it with the user’s 
> configuration using a CompositeConfiguration. Your configuration can be 
> created with a config file or via the ConfigurationBuilder.
> You can extend XMLConfiguration and/or PropertiesConfiguration and add your 
> own definitions to it.
> I am sure there are other ways this can all be done depending on what you are 
> trying to achieve. If you modify the logging level of a LoggerConfig and then 
> a reconfigure occurs Log4j will automatically handle resetting the 
> configuration. You don’t have to do anything. If you want to reinsert changes 
> to the user’s configuration then you have to use one of the techniques I 
> noted above.
> Ralph
> > On Dec 17, 2017, at 3:40 PM, Paladox <thomasmulhall...@yahoo.com.INVALID 
> > <mailto:thomasmulhall...@yahoo.com.INVALID>> wrote:
> > 
> > "You didn’t answer what logging level you are setting to null and why."
> > Im not really sure why it was set to null as this was done long before i 
> > started contributing to gerrit.
> > I can presume it was done because PropertyConfiguator would reload the file 
> > but wouldn't discard anything else so if we set loggers through java then 
> > reloading the file would not affect them. So i guess they wanted to make 
> > sure everything goes back to the way it was.
> > More explementation, because we have a ssh command that can set log levels 
> > for either all or specific loggers we want to be able to remove the levels 
> > to put it back to how it was done when the application was started. So ie 
> > if we set debug on com.google. then that will be added to the loggers as
> > com.google = DEBUG
> > but when the application was started that was not in the loggers so we did 
> > not get any debug in the output.
> > But we want to set it to the default by removing com.google as loggers in 
> > com.google have different levels. IE in the log4j2.properties file we have
> > com.google.gerrit.sshd.GerritServerSession which is set to WARN
> > 
> > but now because we did com.google @ debug 
> > com.google.gerrit.sshd.GerritServerSession will be debug and everything 
> > else under com.google class path that uses loggers.
> > But users would not know every logger under com.google so they wouldn't be 
> > able to put them all back to the default so we set the log level to null 
> > and reloaded the file without loosing any java appenders. But with log4j2 
> > it seems to restart as new.
> >    On Sunday, 17 December 2017, 22:25:28 GMT, Ralph Goers 
> > <ralph.go...@dslextreme.com <mailto:ralph.go...@dslextreme.com>> wrote:  
> > 
> > You didn’t answer what logging level you are setting to null and why.
> > 
> > I’m still not getting a clear picture of what the real requirements are. 
> > "we use java to add appenders and other things because we want users to 
> > customise the behavour through a config” tells me you want users to be able 
> > to use their own configuration but not why you want to add appenders and 
> > “other things” or what requirement you are trying to solve with them. What 
> > I need here is some sort of “user story definition” like - “As a user of 
> > Gerrit I need to be able to provide my own logging configuration while 
> > Gerrit makes sure that error conditions are always logged even if my 
> > configuration doesn’t specify it” or something like that. We can tell you 
> > how to implement something once we understand what you are really trying to 
> > achieve. You probably have done this before, but in case you haven’t done 
> > that before you can look at 
> > https://www.mountaingoatsoftware.com/agile/user-stories  
> > <https://www.mountaingoatsoftware.com/agile/user-stories><https://www.mountaingoatsoftware.com/agile/user-stories
> >  <https://www.mountaingoatsoftware.com/agile/user-stories>>. Also, you 
> > might have a definition of what you want the experience for a user of 
> > Gerrit to be vs that of a developer. If so, tell me what they both are.
> > 
> > Ralph
> > 
> >> On Dec 17, 2017, at 1:58 PM, Paladox <thomasmulhall...@yahoo.com 
> >> <mailto:thomasmulhall...@yahoo.com>> wrote:
> >> 
> >> 
> >> for "“Then loads the property file” - what property file? The log4j 2 
> >> configuration file?  Why would you set the log sell to null before 
> >> reloaded the configuration? "
> >> 
> >> We doin't, we would load it after we set the log level to null.
> >> 
> >> Also for the "what". Well we use java to add appenders and other things 
> >> because we want users to customise the behavour through a config. For 
> >> example some users want log4j to log with json instead of the pattern 
> >> layout. Though if users want to modify it more then a config they use the 
> >> system property to override the default log4j configuation file and use 
> >> there own.
> >> 
> >> On Sunday, 17 December 2017, 20:44:09 GMT, Ralph Goers 
> >> <ralph.go...@dslextreme.com <mailto:ralph.go...@dslextreme.com>> wrote:
> >> 
> >> 
> >> "Sets the log level to null” - which log level? The root, a particular 
> >> logger, or a Threshold Filter on a particular appender? FWIW, in Log4j 1 
> >> setting the log level to null on a Logger just means it will inherit from 
> >> its parent. That is not necessarily the case in Log4j 2.
> >> 
> >> “Then loads the property file” - what property file? The log4j 2 
> >> configuration file?  Why would you set the log sell to null before 
> >> reloaded the configuration? 
> >> 
> >> “Without losing any appenders created with Java” - How are the appenders 
> >> created with Java and why are they created with Java? You could use a 
> >> composite configuration that adds your the “standard” configuration to 
> >> what a user provides or you could extend XMLConfiguratoin with your own 
> >> extra configuration.
> >> 
> >> In short, you still haven’t described what you want the resultant behavior 
> >> to be. You are still describing “How?” instead of “What?”.  In other words 
> >> - something like - “We want to require that a specific logger is always 
> >> logged at error and those logs are always routed to a file named xxxx, 
> >> regardless of what other things the user might configure”. 
> >> 
> >> Ralph
> >> 
> >>> On Dec 17, 2017, at 11:22 AM, Paladox <thomasmulhall...@yahoo.com.INVALID 
> >>> <mailto:thomasmulhall...@yahoo.com.INVALID> 
> >>> <mailto:thomasmulhall...@yahoo.com.INVALID 
> >>> <mailto:thomasmulhall...@yahoo.com.INVALID>>> wrote:
> >>> 
> >>> Im trying to migrate gerrit from log4j1 to log4j2.
> >>> With this we have a ssh command that resets log levels (ie sets the log 
> >>> level to null then loads the Property file without restarting from fresh 
> >>> and loosing any appenders that were created with java).
> >>>    On Sunday, 17 December 2017, 17:56:42 GMT, Ralph Goers 
> >>> <ralph.go...@dslextreme.com <mailto:ralph.go...@dslextreme.com> 
> >>> <mailto:ralph.go...@dslextreme.com <mailto:ralph.go...@dslextreme.com>>> 
> >>> wrote:  
> >>> 
> >>> Why are you trying to do this? What problem are you trying to solve? 
> >>> Simply trying to port code from Log4j 1 to Log4j 2 without evaluating 
> >>> what the best way is to achieve the desired results is not an approach I 
> >>> recommend.
> >>> 
> >>> Ralph 
> >>> 
> >>>> On Dec 16, 2017, at 1:18 PM, Paladox <thomasmulhall...@yahoo.com.INVALID 
> >>>> <mailto:thomasmulhall...@yahoo.com.INVALID> 
> >>>> <mailto:thomasmulhall...@yahoo.com.INVALID 
> >>>> <mailto:thomasmulhall...@yahoo.com.INVALID>>> wrote:
> >>>> 
> >>>> Would like to add more to this question.
> >>>> Im wondering is it possible to also reset log levels?
> >>>> In log4j1.x we did
> >>>>  private static void reset() throws MalformedURLException {    for 
> >>>> (Enumeration<Logger> logger = LogManager.getCurrentLoggers(); 
> >>>> logger.hasMoreElements(); ) {      logger.nextElement().setLevel(null);  
> >>>>   }
> >>>>    String path = System.getProperty(JAVA_OPTIONS_LOG_CONFIG);    if 
> >>>> (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(path)) {      
> >>>> PropertyConfigurator.configure(Loader.getResource(LOG_CONFIGURATION));   
> >>>>  } else {      PropertyConfigurator.configure(new URL(path));    }  }
> >>>> in log4j2 i carn't find any good replacements. Setting setLevel results 
> >>>> in null pointer same would be for setAllLevels. (Works in log4j1).
> >>>> Then when i try to reload the properties file it just resets everything 
> >>>> then loads the file. Thus if you used some java code it would be lost 
> >>>> and you would have to restart your java application to get the appenders 
> >>>> or anything added with java code.
> >>>> In log4j1 you need PropertyConfigurator.configure which re added the log 
> >>>> levels that were from the file without resetting anything.
> >>>>  On Friday, 15 December 2017, 16:50:28 GMT, Paladox 
> >>>> <thomasmulhall...@yahoo.com.INVALID 
> >>>> <mailto:thomasmulhall...@yahoo.com.INVALID> 
> >>>> <mailto:thomasmulhall...@yahoo.com.INVALID 
> >>>> <mailto:thomasmulhall...@yahoo.com.INVALID>>> wrote:  
> >>>> 
> >>>> Hi, im wondering if i could have some help with migrating from log4j1 to 
> >>>> log4j2 please?
> >>>> Im trying to update gerrit to log4j2 but am stuck on some things. [1]
> >>>> 1. How do i migrate from 
> >>>> PropertyConfigurator.configure(Loader.getResource(LOG_CONFIGURATION)); 
> >>>> to something log4j2 compatible please?
> >>>> Im trying to migrate all the way without trying to use log4j1 compatible 
> >>>> api log4j2. (Though im still pulling it in i am trying not to use it).
> >>>> I found doing something like
> >>>>    String path = System.getProperty(JAVA_OPTIONS_LOG_CONFIG);    if 
> >>>> (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(path)) {      ConfigurationSource source = 
> >>>> ConfigurationSource.fromResource(LOG_CONFIGURATION, null);      
> >>>> Configurator.initialize(null, source);    } else {      URL in = new 
> >>>> URL(path);      Configurator.initialize((String) null, null, 
> >>>> in.toURI());    }
> >>>> could work but then it wont reload the configuation without restarting 
> >>>> the configuation as new (ie gets rid of everything). which 
> >>>> .reconfigure() does.
> >>>> Im trying to reset log levels to null so that we can reload the 
> >>>> configuation but reconfigure gets rid of everything thus causing 
> >>>> problems if you used java to add appenders or anything else. see [2]
> >>>> Also how would i migrate from using removeAllAppenders to log4j2 
> >>>> compatible code please?
> >>>> [1] https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/c/gerrit/+/142811/  
> >>>> <https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/c/gerrit/+/142811/><https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/c/gerrit/+/142811/
> >>>>  <https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/c/gerrit/+/142811/>>
> >>>> [2] 
> >>>> https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/c/gerrit/+/142811/46/java/com/google/gerrit/sshd/commands/SetLoggingLevelCommand.java
> >>>>   
> >>>> <https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/c/gerrit/+/142811/46/java/com/google/gerrit/sshd/commands/SetLoggingLevelCommand.java><https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/c/gerrit/+/142811/46/java/com/google/gerrit/sshd/commands/SetLoggingLevelCommand.java
> >>>>  
> >>>> <https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/c/gerrit/+/142811/46/java/com/google/gerrit/sshd/commands/SetLoggingLevelCommand.java>>
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
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