
I'm using slf4j (1.7.25) and log4j (2.13.3).
My config is simple, just a console appender.
I'm trying to log the toString of an Exception with a parameterized message.
It works fine when there is more than one parameter, but when it's a single
one, the whole exception stacktrace is printed.

org.slf4j.Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger("loggerName");
> logger.warn("{} {} ", "an error occured", new Exception("my message")); //
> work as expected: print only the toString
> logger.warn("{} ", new Exception("my message")); // print the curly
> brackets and the whole stacktrace

an error occured java.lang.Exception: my message
> {}
> java.lang.Exception: my message
> at com.example.Main.main(Main.java:206) [test-classes/:?]

I wanted to confirm this is a bug and wanted to know if it's more likely
caused by slf4j or log4j?

Thank you.

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