Greetings, Log4j list.

I am testing some extensions that I have made to my usage of Log4j.
This usage involves a custom log event factory. I set this in my
actual program on startup using a system property. Now, to test this
in a unit test, I'm trying to set a system property in the same sort
of way. To that end, I have a static block in the test and a JUnit
ClassRule like this:


public static LoggerContextRule _context = new

This works perfectly on my local machine. In our CI system, however,
this fails sometimes. If I run only this one test in the CI system, it
passes every time. If I run all unit tests, however, it usually fails,
but does occasionally succeed. The hypothesis is that it depends on
which unit test is run first and whether or not the Log4j subsystem is
initialized yet. If it's not, the system property above is set and
everything works. If the Log4j subsystem is initialized, however, by
the time this test runs, then the system property (and thus the log
event factory) is not used.

To test this hypothesis, I updated the test to do this instead:

    LoggerContextRule context = new LoggerContextRule("myGoodConfig.xml");
    if (context.getLoggerContext() != null) context.reconfigure();
    _context = context;

public static LoggerContextRule _context;

This had no effect though, and the test still passed locally, passed
remotely if it was the only test run, but failed intermittently if run
as a part of the entire suite.

Looking through the Log4j source, I only found one test that was
setting a custom log event factory,
This test, however, doesn't use the LoggerContextRule to configure the
system. I really like this API for the tests and would like to
continue to use it.

Can anyone offer me help in:

1. Confirming that my hypothesis is correct that the tests likely fail
intermittently due to the initialization state of the Log4j subsystem
2. Suggest a way to make the rest more resilient


Travis Spencer

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