Hi Roy

On 2011-08-10, Roy Chastain wrote:

> I have volunteered my services before, but unfortunately, I don't know
> how to use ANY of the tools required to interface with Jira and the
> source control.

Interfacing with JIRA really doesn't involve anything but a browser.  I
know there are some integrations into Eclipse, maybe even Visual Studio,
but I've never used anything but Firefox for it myself.

The recent JIRA releases are pretty JavaScript-heavy so I wouldn't
recommend using older IEs.

Subversion is the main tool and likely the biggest hurdle.  I come from
a Unix background myself and am a command line kind of person so I'm not
sure about the options but there are GUI frontends to Subversion as well
(TurtoiseSVN or something like that).

The command line "svn diff" creates exactly the kind of output that
people expect as "patches" attached to JIRA.  I'm sure the GUI frontends
will provide a way to get exactly that as well.

The ideal workflow if you think you've found a bug would then be:

(1) check out source code from svn

(2) write a unit test that verifies the bug

(3) fix the bug

(4) open a JIRA ticket

(5) create a patch by using svn diff

(6) attach the patch to the ticket

(7) revert your changes in your local copy and tackle the next bug

You may need to "svn add" new files before creating the patch.

If you do that often enough, you'll eventually gain write access and can
forget about the patch, at which point the flow continues as

(5) commit your changes

(6) resolve the JIRA issue

and there will be nothing to revert.



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