On 2011-08-18, Dominik Psenner wrote:

>> I've managed to get NAnt 0.91apha2 working after some hassles, I hope to
>> be able to build assemblies targeting 4.0 by tommorow.

> That's great news! I ran out of luck the last time I tried it, but I'm quite
> unused to NAnt anyway. So that could have been the reason. ;-)

Not that I'd be an expert either.

The biggest hurdle was .NET's inability to provide useful error

When I downloaded the ZIP and extracted it, the ZIP was marked as
"downloaded from the internet" and "blocked for security reasons" and
all DLLs contained within inherited that flag.

When I first tried to run NAnt I got some CAS exception for file I/O - I
thought I had fixed that by removing the 

      <NetFx40_LegacySecurityPolicy enabled="true"/>

from NAnt.exe.config, which was complete nonsense but allowed me to get
a step further.  That step was NAnt starting up and then failing to load
any task DLLs because of 

| Could not load file or assembly 'file:///....dll' or one of its
| dependencies. Operation is not supported. (Exception from HRESULT:
| 0x80131515)'

I should have searched the web for that HRESULT code by that time but
for some reason didn't and spent quite some time trying to play with
local permissions - and even managed to "unblock" all DLLs, but that
didn't help.  I must have missed some files.

Then I went back to my ZIP, unblocked that, extracted it again and used
the newly extracted version and finally things worked.


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