On 2011-08-20, Roy Chastain wrote:

>> I should add that NAnt.exe.config contains

>>      <NetFx40_LegacySecurityPolicy enabled="true"/>

>> and seems to need it.  This may complicate things even further.

> See this http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd409253.aspx

Yes, I knew that, I should have elaborated more.

> My gut says that this setting is a BAD thing.
> 1) - It is a RUNTIME not COMPILE time setting.  If code for legacy
> security being enabled, then anyone that uses log4Net will have to
> specify legacy security and that is just not going to work very well.

It is NAnt that seems to need it so it is inside the NAnt.exe.config.
And what I meant to say was that it is complicating things for running
the tests as it applies to the testcases - unless the NUnit task in NAnt
forks a new process, that is.

> 2) - It should only be set for code that explicitly defines a CAS
> policy.

NAnt apparently does.

> 3) - From reading more MS documents, this setting appears to be a
> "migration setting" and we should not plan on running that way
> indefinitely.

I'm not suggesting we should recommend any such setting for log4net at

> I think we are already in too deep to make a 4.0 target for the 1.2.11
> release because we are going to have to
> 1) - Understand the new (non) CAS security model
> 2) - Make code changes to support it


[for those new to the ASF, you're going to see this frequently as this
is how we vote and +/-1 has crept into non-vote discussions as well.  +1
simply means "I agree" in this case and I just typed it out of habit.]

> Now, that I have written all of this, I assume NAnt.exe.config is the
> config file for NAnt, not for what it builds.  If so, then this setting
> is simply telling the NAnt runtime to run with legacy security and that
> is not even meaningful unless NAnt is targeted to 4.0

Errm, should have read up to here before I started responding.  8-)



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