>> You've looked into this far more than I have but do your really feel the
>> persistent storage is needed?  To me scenarios like "I have manually
>> deleted some log files" or "I have reconfigured the rolling conditions"
>> don't really have to be supported by our rolling logic.  If people
>> interfere with rolling they better clean up themselves IMHO.

On 2013-08-13, Dominik Psenner wrote:

> Let's imagine a rolling condition that rolls every day. The dispose
> strategy is to keep a maximum of 30 files and the rolled file format
> is:

> C:/myfancypath/%date/logfile.log

> The application runs for 3 days and thus log4net rolls the logfile 3
> times.

Well, I live in a world where all log files of an application are kept
inside the same folder :-)

More seriously, to me it sounds like a bit of feature creep.  I wouldn't
consider my logging framework to be the one who's responsible for
mailing non empty files on rolling.  That's the job of
logrotate/logwatch or similar specialiced tools IMHO.  One could even
argue disposal of logfiles should be out of scope.  Maybe that's just

Are you really sure you want to put that much non-logging logic into an


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