See inlines.

2013/11/1 Stefan Bodewig <>

> Hi,
> I'd like restructure our codebase a little as it feels a bit scattered
> to me, in particular I'd like to move
> src/* => src/main/* (except for site)
> tests => src/tests
> examples => src/examples
> extensions => src/extensions

And maybe src/site to some other place like doc/website and split the build
process so that site and src are no longer tightly bound to each other? We
run often into the case that we add just another FAQ entry, but do not
actually release a new binary.

> and I'd like to modify the build files so that assemblies and all
> documentation is created in a common directory - rooted under build or
> target, you name it:
> bin => $TARGET/assembly
> doc/sdk => $TARGET/site/current/sdk
> does that make sense?


> Stefan
> BTW, I've just finished setting up a new VM for log4net development.
> Now that I can drop 1.x I went for Win7, installed SDKs for .NET 2.0,
> 3.5 and 4.0 as well as Mono 2.10 and now have a single environment that
> builds all target frameworks expeceted for 1.3 - and could also target
> mono-3.5 and mono-4.0.  This should be possible to re-create on any Win7
> box without requiring stuff you'd need an MSDN subscription for.

Would you like to share the VM (if possible with respect to licensing etc)?
Dominik Psenner

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