1. "to split log4net-13.dll so that the main assembly can be used for
the client profile and a separate assembly contains the stuff that
requires System.Web - this way we no longer need the -cp builds."
Dominik convinced me there was no future for the client profiles anyway,
but back then I didn't think about mobile platforms, much less Xamarin.
It is up to You. I'm willing to help.
I see few trends when people port their apps to mobile (Xamarin.mobile) profiles

1. remove log4net (and other) code
2. switching to other frameworks (like Nlog)
3. writing their own cross platform logging libs
4. using separate code
5. not logging

I think lof4net is great utility, structure can easily be prepared for mobile profile. I mean You have seen it.
log4net as library was intact.

2. add separate assemblies for async/await (netfx 4.5, mono 3.x), so
people are not forced into 4.5.
It doesn't look as if we were working on C# 5 code, no worries.
OK. This makes a bit less work for me.

Also Stefan asked me to merge code into 1.2.x (1.2.13) branch, so I'll
do that in next few days and issue pull request as soon as I'm done. I
will try to be least intrusive, so will probably end up with:
Note current trunk has been restructured quite a lot, a lot of folders
have been moved around and I doubt our github mirror would track that as
proper moves.
So github mirror is not actual state of the project?
I would refork it and do all the steps again. This would be few days. Then You could check and correct me.

I'm not quite sure what you are going to suggest in your pull request,
we'll see.
So is that green light?




Miljenko Cvjetko dipl.ing. ET
        Projektant rjes(enja/Solution Architect 
        Razvojni programer/Senior developer
        Voditelj projekta/Project Manager

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