That does not work and you must set a second AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute where only a string can be specified. It is something that can live along with the AssemblyVersionAttribute and specify additional information about the assembly. I generally use this approach to include git/hg changeset hashes of a build or more verbose information that usually doesnt fit into the version numbering scheme.

On 2016-09-14 17:24, Stefan Bodewig wrote:
On 2016-09-14, Stefan Bodewig wrote:

* decide on the version. I propose to use for the next release
   for all artifacts and try getting the "informational version" right -
   this is Dominik's second proposal in
Unfortunately I Can't do this via assembly attributes:

[csc] error CS1607: Warning as Error: Assembly generation -- The version 
' 3.5' specified for the 'product version' is not in the normal 
'' format

unless we suppress the warning, that is.


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