Looks like there's already an issue open for this:


--- Ron Grabowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- Billy Barnum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Right. Log4Net error msgs all have the same eventId. This is
> exactly
> > what I
> > want to change.
> The documentation for the EventLogAppender says:
> "
> If the event has an EventID property set then this integer will be
> used
> as the event log event id.
> "
> which means if you set an EventID property:
>  log4net.ThreadContext.Properties["EventID"] = 5;
> That value will be sent to the Event Log. I may have used incorrect
> casing on EventID in one of my earlier posts.
> > I'm certainly no EventLog guru, but what I know is this: EventId is
> > not a PK
> > at all. It is, however, meant to be unique within an EventSource
> and
> > optionally an EventCategory; usage is up to the application. The
> idea
> > is
> > EventSource and EventCategory provide context, while EventId
> > identfies the
> > particular problem. 2 side notes:
> The EventSource property for an event log entry is set via the
> EventLogAppender's ApplicatioName property. The default value is:
>  System.Threading.Thread.GetDomain().FriendlyName
> I don't think this is a value that needs to be settable on a per
> message basis.
> > 1. Log4Net already provides built-in context with the logger
> property
> > that
> > you can put in your logging message. IMHO it would be a great
> log4net
> > enhancement if this was passed through to the EventCategory field
> in
> > the
> > EventLog for EventLogAppender in addition to or instead of putting
> it
> > in the
> There's currently no way to pass in or set an Event Category value
> for
> an event log entry. EventLogAppender uses this overload when logging
> which doesn't pass in a value for event category:
>  EventLog.WriteEntry(string, string, EventLogEntryType, int)
> I agree that it would be nice if it were possible to specify an Event
> Category for each message logged or a default value for Event
> Category.
> Since we're already looking for EventID in the logging event's
> properties we may want to also look for EventCategory and use that
> value to call this overload:
>  EventLog.WriteEntry(string, string, EventLogEntryType, int, short)
> Do you think it would be useful to allow default values for these
> properties to be specified inside the config file and used if the
> EventID or EventCategory property keys aren't present?
>  <eventId value="5" />
>  <eventCategory value="10" />
> > msg. If I get some time here I'll dig in and do it myself. I
> haven't
> > actually built log4net yet; I've only been using the executable
> > having just
> > been using log4net for a week.
> If you're going to use TortoiseCVS to checkout the files this post
> may
> be helpful:
> Apache is going to be moving everything to SVN before the end of
> year.
> I thought the Logging Servics projects had a date set a few weeks ago
> to make their move. I don't think has happened yet.
> > Back to issue at hand ... Ron, I tried your example code there,
> with
> > the
> > threadcontext/setting EventId property to 5, and all. Quick
> questions
> > if you
> > have time ... no hurry ...
> I must not have read the documentation correctly...try EventID.
> > 1. What's the diff between this threadcontext and MDC/NDC?
> This is what the release notes have to say about it:
> MDC is now implemented using the ThreadContext.
> > 2. I still don't see how that eventid 5 gets to the eventid field
> in
> > EventLogAppender without going the extension route (your 2nd
> > example). What
> > do you put in your xml file? How does that go anywhere other than
> the
> > message text?
>  log4net.ThreadContext.Properties["EventID"] = 5;
>  log.Debug("Hello World");
> I don't think writting your own ILog is as terrible an idea as people
> sometimes think it is. Log4net as we know it is really ILogger. The
> default implementation of ILogger is itself abstracted through the
> ILog
> interface. If you know your company or project is going to be logging
> a
> lot of additional information other than the just messages and
> exceptions, I would write a LogManager that returns a custom ILog:
>  Company.Project.Logging.ILog
> You could write your implementation in such a way that you can load
> up
> either log4net 1.2.0 beta 8, log4net 1.2.9 beta, NLog, or MS's
> Logging
> Block at runtime without having to reference those assemblies
> directly
> from your project.
> > 3. When I used that threadcontext code, asp rebooted itself with
> err
> > msgs -
> > which is sometimes a sign of stack overflow. Was there some cleanup
> > and/or
> > stack popping I needed to do?
> Posting the code you used and the error messages generated is always
> helpful :)

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