> just want to be able to go into each project and add a reference to
the log4net.dll and that should do it.  

>No GAC just a reference in each project to the log4net.dll.


Correct. _IF_ you used the signed version (or signed a build yourself)
you could drop it in the GAC and then you wouldn't need a copy in each
deployment directory (you'd still need a reference) but we've found the
GAC closer to DLL-hell then not. It's simple enough to drop a copy of
log4net.dll in the deployment directory and away you go. Plus, if you
were to use a strongly named version then every time you rebuilt it you
would have to adjust your references as the full version # is included
in the strong name. Not the end of the world for log4net.dll, but there
are updates.





Walden H Leverich III

Tech Software

(516) 627-3800 x3051


http://www.TechSoftInc.com <http://www.techsoftinc.com/> 


Quiquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.

(Whatever is said in Latin seems profound.)


From: hdjim69 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 10:04 AM
To: Log4NET User
Subject: RE: when to use strong name confusion


Yes, this is for internal use.  We are not a vendor. However we have
several projects in the solution (VS2005) that need to log (client.exe,
client.dll, server.dll, etc.).  I just want to be able to go into each
project and add a reference to the log4net.dll and that should do it.
No GAC just a reference in each project to the log4net.dll. 


Is this the correct way to set up referencing this .dll?

--- On Thu, 10/30/08, Walden H. Leverich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        From: Walden H. Leverich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject: RE: when to use strong name confusion
        To: "Log4NET User" <log4net-user@logging.apache.org>,
        Date: Thursday, October 30, 2008, 9:45 AM

        Is this for _internal_ use? IOW, you're not a ISV getting ready
to distribute software, right? In that case, just ignore strong names
completely. Use the DLL as it, and don't worry about sn.exe or signing
at all. Except in rare cases (and you'll know when you get there) there
is no point in using strongly named assemblies internally. 


        If you're an ISV, then consider it, but then you'll have to
understand strong names for your own stuff and the log4net stuff will
seem obvious.





Walden H Leverich III

Tech Software

(516) 627-3800 x3051


http://www.TechSoftInc.com <http://www.techsoftinc.com/> 


Quiquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.

(Whatever is said in Latin seems profound.)


From: hdjim69 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 8:54 AM
To: log4net-user@logging.apache.org
Subject: when to use strong name confusion




Not sure I understand the strong name requirements.  I'm on .Net 2.0.
There is already a .dll in the log4net-1.2.10\bin\net\2.0 dir. Do I need
to rebuild this .dll with a strong name key or can I just use this dll
as it is ?    I know what a strong name is and how to generate a
private/public key but still not sure how this relates to when and why I
would need to do this with log4net.



Any help would be appreciated.







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