Since you're asking for thoughts... bad idea. To me log4net is plumbing,
that is it's programmer based stuff. Sounds to me like you're attempting
to use it to satisfy a user requirement. I think you'd be better off
adding the logging as part of the business processing. Now, having said
that, there are still times when it's nice to know which trading partner
you're dealing with on a log message. In that case I'd push the partner
id into the NDC at the start of the process, and pop it at the end. That
way you'll have it in the log (if you format it correctly). You'll have
a single log file, but you can always fgrep it. We do something similar
with several levels of NDC and can quickly come up with a issue-specific
logfile using grep.





Walden H Leverich III

Tech Software

(516) 627-3800 x3051



Quiquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.

(Whatever is said in Latin seems profound.)


From: Eric Marthinsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 7:31 PM
Subject: Best Way to Set Up Massive Number of Loggers



I'm working on an app that coordinates data transfers among multiple
trading partners. I want to create a log file for each trading partner.
I had a few ideas of how to do this, but am not sure which would be
considered the optimal way. The expected number of trading partners is
likely to be around 100, but could be higher. Here are my thoughts:

1. Add a bunch of named loggers to my log4net.config file
2. Do programmatic configuration of the loggers on application start
3. Write my own appender that is based on the RollingFileAppender

Do any of these scream out as being a good or bad solution? Is there a
better approach that I might be missing? Thanks in advance.


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