Yet another possible solution to your problem could be to do something like:

On 2016-10-24 07:39, Dominik Psenner wrote:

Ps: this might also something that you should look at.

And note too that the layoutpattern gets a applicationsetting pattern string to include application settings in the formatted logevent string. You can try that feature by building from source or by using the relerase candidate binaries.

It is unclear where these "categories" come from if the developers do not maintain them. Therefore I am not able to understand your requirements.

On 24 Oct 2016 7:21 a.m., "Dominik Psenner" < <>> wrote:

    In that case you can pipe your log events through a custom
    appender that you implement. That custom appender can implement
    your logic of events as smart as you need it and then call inner
    appenders to process events. See the bufferingappenderskeleton.

    On 24 Oct 2016 12:52 a.m., "Nicholas Duane" <
    <>> wrote:

Thanks. I think I'm not quite explaining it well enough. While I would like to set properties on the LoggingEvent
        class, it could not be accomplished similar to the way you
        suggest.  The reason is that the property I want to set,
        "category", would be based on the level the user is logging
        the event at and thus could not be done until the logging
        method was called.

        I don't think I'm asking the logging framework to do something
        way out of the ordinary.  All I'm trying to do is set a
        property based on the level, and I would like to do that
        without the user having to do anything, other than maybe
        including some config code which would allow me to inject my
        code into the equation.



        *From:* Dominik Psenner <
        *Sent:* Sunday, October 23, 2016 3:13 PM
        *To:* Log4NET User
        *Subject:* Re: Injecting properties into LoggingEvent

        Responding inline..

        On 23 Oct 2016 4:04 p.m., "Nicholas Duane" <
        <>> wrote:
        > Is there a way for me to add properties to a LoggingEvent
        without the user doing anything out of the ordinary.  Maybe
        it's even best to assume an existing application which is
        using log4net. I would like to take this existing log4net
        application and without them changing any code, configuration
        changes are ok, I would like to add properties to each
        LoggingEvent which is created from their log statements like:
        > logger.Error();
        > logger.Info();
        > logger.Debug();
        > etc.

        That requirement sounds like you would like to:

        // thread properties...
        log4net.LogicalThreadContext.Properties["CustomColumn"] =
        "Custom value"; log.Info("Message");

        // ...or global properties
        log4net.GlobalContext.Properties["CustomColumn"] = "Custom value";

        These automatically set these properties on the logging events
        and you can then filter those with a propertyfilter as you
        write here:

        > such that I could use the PropertyFilter filter to filter
        out events? I want to set a property based on the level of the
        event.  I could of course use the LevelRangeFilter but in
        other cases I'm using the PropertyFilter and was figuring it
        might be nice to do it the same for all events.
        > This other case where I'm using the PropertyFilter is for
        new events we've introduced.  These are what we call
        "compliance" and "business" events.  We originally introduced
        a "compliance" event and at that time I introduced a custom
        level for that.  However, I'm trying to move away from
        defining custom levels and instead use a property on the event
        to distinguish its "category".  For these new events which
        don't fit nicely into the level gradient I've introduced a
method for developers to use to log them called LogEvent(). They will pass in their logger, the category of the event, and
        the event.  In this scenario it's easy for me to set
        properties on the LoggingEvent.

        To me this sounds like you are trying to force the logging
        framework to do something different than the rest of the
        application logs do. If thats the case, then let me warn you
        that it might not be a good idea. Logs could be only a
        byproduct of the feature you would like to implement. If you
        are implementing application features through the logging
        framework, logging is too smart and does too much. Try to
        design your applocation so that it could do its job even if
        logging was not there.

        However it sounds like this works for you, therefore I do not
        try to work out anything.

        >  However, for what we call the diagnostic events, those that
        are logged using the methods exposed by log4net, we don't want
them to have to do anything different than they were doing. If they want to log an error they would still use:
        > logger.Error("this is my error");
        > or a warning:
        > logger.Warn("this is my warning");
        > etc.
        > Ideally I would like to set the "category" on those events
        also so that by the time they make it to the appender it has
        this "category" property.  Is there a way to do that?

        This sounds like this:


        Best regards,

        > Thanks,
        > Nick
        > ________________________________
        > From: Dominik Psenner <
        > Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2016 9:18 AM
        > To: Log4NET User
        > Subject: Re: Injecting properties into LoggingEvent
        > Sorry, I cannot grasp your requirements. Please try to
        explain your usecase better in a way that gives the document
        some kind of structure.
        > On 23 Oct 2016 12:02 a.m., "Nicholas Duane" <
        <>> wrote:
        >> Thank you for the suggestions.
        >> We are already logging complex objects in many cases.  We
        have the notion of a compliance event.  That's basically a map
        (IDictionary<string, object>). We're now adding business
        events.  However, even with these "complex" events I don't
        want the map to contain the category, at least not at event
        creation time.  I see an event as just a collection of
        properties. The act of logging it at a certain level or
        category is what assigns the severity or category.  For example:
        >> logger.Warn("this is my warning message");
        >> logger.Error("this is my error message");
        >> logger.Info("this is my info message");
        >> In each of those cases if we assume the event is the
        message itself, there is no criticality associated with that
        event. It's the act of logging that defines the event's
        criticality.  I want the same to be true for the category.  I
        believe I have this working fine for our "complex" events
        which don't fit into the Level gradient.  I expose a
        LogEvent() method which logs at the Emergency level as I
showed in the code I included in the previous thread. However, we also need to capture diagnostic events, ones that
        are logged via the logging framework's methods:
        >> logger.Error(...);
        >> logger.Warn(...);
        >> What I am hoping to do is hook in some of my code and
        generate one of our complex events each time the logging
        framework logs an event and will map the level to one of our
        categories.  I can imagine that this might be possible if I
        somehow wrap a logger, but as I mentioned I don't want the
        user to have to call anything special at startup to hook up
        that wrapping.  I was hoping there would be a way for me to
        hook myself in via configuration. I'm ok with giving them a
        configuration file they need to use but I don't want them to
        have to change any existing code them may have.
        >> By the way, we did generate a custom log level for our
        compliance event. However I'm trying to move away from that as
        it was point out that our events don't fit well within the
        level gradient.  So the new code for logging a compliance
        event does not use that level.  Both the compliance and
        business event would be logged at the Emergency level.  I
would use the category property to differentiate them. Similar, I guess, to log4j2's Markers.
        >> Thanks,
        >> Nick
        >> ________________________________
        >> From: Dominik Psenner <
        >> Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2016 1:29 PM
        >> To: Log4NET User
        >> Subject: Re: Injecting properties into LoggingEvent
        >> What I am proposing here are a mere ideas that will need
        further investigation. I have not tried any of these ideas.
        You will have to prioritize these ideas based on your
        >> A. Implement an extension class for the ILog interface
        >> B. Implement a custom ILog interface implementation and a
        >> C. Define custom loglevels
        >> D. Use thread context properties altogether with custom
        format layouts
        >> E. Log "complex" classes that hold your category
        information and find a way to format them
        >> There might be more things that you could do..
        >> On 22 Oct 2016 5:31 p.m., "Nicholas Duane" <
        <>> wrote:
        >>> Is there a way for me to inject properties into a
        LoggingEvent?  I'm trying to accomplish this without the user
        (of log4net) doing anything special.  The only thing I could
        think of was wrapping loggers, and while I'm not against doing
        that it would have to be done via configuration as I don't
        want the user to have to do it programmatically.  Is there any
        way for me to inject a logger wrapper via configuration?
        >>> The reason I'm looking to do this is that I would like to
        set a property on the LoggingEvent to use for filtering. This
        property would be determined based on the level property.  I
        could simply use the level property for filtering, but I have
        other events which I generate which are all logged at the
        Emergency level but have a different value for this property
        so for them I'm using this property for filtering. I don't
        have the same issue with these other events because they are
        logged via an extension method I provided on the ILog interface:
        >>> public static class Logging
        >>> {
        >>>     public static void LogEvent(this ILog logger, Category
        category, IEvent evnt)
        >>>     {
        >>>         if ((category != null) && (evnt != null))
        >>>             {
        >>> evnt.SetCategory(category.Name);
        >>>             LoggingEvent le = new LoggingEvent(null,
        >>> logger.Logger.Name <http://logger.Logger.Name>,
        Level.Emergency, evnt, null);
        >>> le.Properties["category"] = category.Name;
        >>> logger.Logger.Log(le);
        >>>             }
        >>>     }
        >>> }
        >>> So for instance when a user does the following:
        >>> logger.Error("this is my error message");
        >>> or
        >>> logger.Warn("this is my warning message");
        >>> or
        >>> logger.Info("this is my info message");
        >>> I would like to set the property "category" on the
        LoggingEvent to "criticalDiagnostic".  When they do:
        >>> logger.Debug("this is my debug message");
        >>> or
        >>> logger.Trace("this is my trace message");
        >>> I would like to set the property "category" on the
        LoggingEvent to "noncriticalDiagnostic".  Any way for me to do
        that automagically?
        >>> I also posted this at:
        >>> Thanks,
        >>> Nick

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