I have this same issue as described by Alexander Wolff.

Has anyone been able to filter logs out based on a matching script like

There's also a contradicting entry about this in log4net's documentation:

Documentation entry for StringToMatch property:

/"The string that will be substring matched against the rendered message. If
the message contains this string then the filter will match. If a match is
found then the result depends on the value of AcceptOnMatch."/

Entry for AcceptOnMatch:

"The AcceptOnMatch property is a flag that determines the behavior when a
matching Level is found. If the flag is set to true then the filter will
Accept the logging event, otherwise it will *Neutral *the event."

So how is the event Denied??

Is this behavior even possible? If the event is Neutralized, in order to
deny it, we have to put a denyAll, but that will also deny all other logs. 
AcceptOnMatch=true all entry logs that we want to let in, is much more
complicated than just preventing logs with some keys we know shouldn't be
logged .

I may be missing something please anyone who can shine some light on this
subject would be very appreciated! :)

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