On Wed, 4 Jul 2012, Meir Guttman wrote:

Well, I found at least one use for the $logger->log() method: dynamic level 

Hi Meir,

that's an interesting use case, thanks for reporting it. I've changed
the documentation accordingly:


-- Mike

Mike Schilli

I have though an issue with one passage in the documentation. In the CPAN page 
Log::Log4perl (Ver. 1.37) 
(http://search.cpan.org/~mschilli/Log-Log4perl-1.37/lib/Log/Log4perl.pm) one 
can read the following:

   Instead of calling the methods

       $logger->trace("...");  # Log a trace message
       ... (other variants deleted)

   you could also call the log() method with the appropriate level using the 
constants defined in Log::Log4perl::Level:

       use Log::Log4perl::Level;

       $logger->log($TRACE, "...");
       ... (other variants deleted)

   But *** nobody does that, really ***. (my enhancement - MG) Neither
   does anyone need more logging levels than these predefined ones. If
   you think you do, I would suggest you look into steering your logging
   behavior via the category mechanism.

Well, I found at least one use for the $logger->log() method: dynamic level 

Take for example a "system()" call. It can return a number of exit codes by 
issuing something like «exit(0x2C);» command. I find it very convenient to segregate on 
the basis of the return code what logging level to assign to the log message upon 

   my %exit_level = (
     0 => $INFO,
     1 => $WARN,
     2 => $WARN,
     4 => $ERROR,
     0xFF => $FATAL,

   My %message = (
     0 => "Message 1",
     1 => "..."

   my $result = system ('perl', 'my_script.pl, @args) >>= 8;

   $logger->log($exit_level{$result}, $message{$result});

So, I would recommend a change in the doc showing such an example.


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