On Wed, 23 Jan 2013, Alexander Hartmaier wrote:

> I've written a Log::Log4perl::Filter::MDC filter cause I have to send
> errors to different teams which I implemented by defining each teams

Hi Alex,

that sounds great, do you have the code anywhere where we can take
a look? Hard to say without looking at it if the best way is to merge it
into the main Log4perl distribution or to roll your own CPAN package. If
its generally useful, then by all means, lets integrate it. The easiest
way to do that is forking the github repo at


then add your changes and send a pull request.

Let me know if you need more detailed instructions.

-- Mike

Mike Schilli

> email address as appender and filter on a MDC value (the support group
> which maps to each team).  Should I release it to CPAN as separate
> dist or do you want to include it in the Log::Log4perl dist?  It adds
> no dependencies and follows the Log::Log4perl naming for config keys.
> Best regards, Alex

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