Parabéns Marcos, Jairo, Jean Yves, . Luiz Carlos , Walter e outros por essa
importante publicação.
Jorge Alberto Molina

2017-12-28 19:39 GMT-02:00 Marcos Silva <>:

> caros colegas,
> talvez este livro, recém publicado na Synthese Library do Otavio Bueno,
> seja do interesse de alguns aqui. Trata-se de uma coletânea de artigos de
> diversos especialistas discutindo como e por que cores importam para a
> filosofia em diferentes areas como a filosofia da mente, fenomenologia,
> lógica e linguagem.
> para mais informações:
> A terceira parte do livro, sobre filosofia da lógica e da linguagem, conta
> com contribuições de, dentre outros, Graham Priest, JY Beziau, Gisele
> Secco, Luiz Carlos Pereira, Walter Carnielli e Carlos de Prisco.
> ++++
> Aproveito para agradecer ao Joao Marcos pelo apoio a este projeto
> editorial colorido desde a sua origem nos idos de 2015.
> ++++
> abaixo estao alguns endossos e o indice.
> abracos e feliz ano novo!
> Marcos
> ++++
> Some endorsements:
> "This book beautifully prepares the ground for the next steps in our
> research on and philosophising about colour" Daniel D. Hutto (University of
> Wollongong)
> "It is not an overstatement to say that How Colours to Philosophy is a
> ground breaking publication" Mazviita Chirimuuta (University of Pittsburgh)
> "Anyone interested in philosophical issues about color will find it highly
> stimulating." Martine Nida-Rümelin (Université de Fribourg)
> “The high quality papers included in this anthology succeed admirably in
> enriching current philosophical thinking about colour” Erik Myin
> (University of Antwerp)
> “This is certainly the most complete collection of philosophical essays on
> colours ever published” André Leclerc (University of Brasília)
> “All in all this collections represents a new milestone in the ongoing
> philosophical debate on colours and colour expressions” Ingolf Max
> (University of Leipzig)
> ++++
> Contents
> Part I History of Philosophy
> Dispositionalism: Democritus and Colours by Convention.....................
> 3
> Barry Maund
> Hue, Brightness & Saturation in Classical Greek Chroma Terms ......... 25
> Ekai Txapartegi
> How Many Colours? ..............................
> ................................................. 47
> Kirsten Walsh
> Goethe contra Newton on Colours, Light, and the Philosophy
> of Science.....................................................
> ........................................... 73
> Olaf L. Müller
> On Color: The Husserlian Material a Priori 
> ............................................
> 97
> Jairo José da Silva
> Impossible Colours: Wittgenstein and the Naturalist’s Challenge ....... 107
> Andrew Lugg
> Part II Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind
> Colours – Wittgenstein vs (Katz & Bühler) 
> ........................................
> 125
> Kevin Mulligan
> What the Mind-Independence of Color Requires ...............................
> 137
> Peter W. Ross
> Explaining Colour Phenomenology 
> ....................................................
> 159
> Nicholas Unwin
> Dasein Is the Animal That Sorts Out 
> Colors........................................
> 175
> Bernardo Ainbinder
> Subjectivity and Normativity in Colour-Distinctions
> ............................ 195
> Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer
> Colors: Presentation and Representation in the Fine Arts
> .................. 215
> Otávio Bueno
> Part III Philosophy of Language and Philosophy of Logic
> Things Are Not What They Seem 
> ......................................................
> 225
> Graham Priest
> Vagueness, Hysteresis, and the Instability of Color
> .......................... 237
> Diana Raffman
> Logic and Colour in Cognition, Logic and Philosophy ......................
> 249
> Dany Jaspers
> A Chromatic Hexagon of Psychic Dispositions ...............................
> 273
> Jean-Yves Beziau
> Proofs Versus Experiments: Wittgensteinian Themes Surrounding
> the Four-Color Theorem ..............................
> ........................................ 289
> Gisele Dalva Secco and Luiz Carlos Pereira
> The Wonder of Colors and the Principle of Ariadne
> ........................... 309
> Walter Carnielli and Carlos di Prisco
> --
> Marcos Silva
> Philosophie macht Spaß!
> *new books!*
> *"How Colours Matter to Philosophy" (Springer, 2017)*
> *"Colours in Wittgenstein's Philosophical Development" (Palgrave, 2017)*
> --
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