Pessoal, repassando a pedidos, Interessados devem contactar.
Marco Panza <>

Dear all,

I take the opportunity of Erich's message, to infirm you that Chapman
University approved a* three-year doctoral program in Maths, **Philosophy
and **Physics * (for students already having a master degree).
It will start next September with an experimental year (the approval dates
back to half january, and many aspects are still under construction, but as
experimental as it might be, the year will count as an effective first year
in a three-year program).
We have, at present, three fully-funded positions to offer.
The (still provisional) webpage is here:
It also gives a link for applications.
If someone of you knows of some master student that would be interested in
a *very Interdisciplinary* doctoral program (jointly organized by the three
department of maths, philosophy and physics, within Chapman Science
college, which in Chapman includes Philosophy), (s)he is invited to
suggest her/him to apply, and/or to write to me for further information.
We accept applications up to the end of march (at least).

All the best.
Marco (Panza)

Walter Carnielli
CLE and Department of Philosophy
University of Campinas –UNICAMP, Brazil

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