The next session of the Logica Universalis Webinar (LUW) is  Wednesday
March 29, 2023 at 4pm CET

Speaker: Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska –
Talk: Presentation of the book Logic - Language - Ontology
How should we think about the meaning of the words that make up our
language? How does reference of these terms work, and what is their
referent when these are connected to abstract objects rather than to
concrete ones? Can logic help to address these questions? This collection
of papers aims to unify the questions of syntax and semantics of language,
which span across the fields of logic, philosophy and ontology of language.
The leading motif of the presented selection is the differentiation between
linguistic tokens (material, concrete objects) on the one hand and
linguistic types (ideal, abstract objects) on the other. Through a
promenade among articles that span over all of the Author’s career, this
book addresses the complex philosophical question of the ontology of
language by following the crystalline conceptual tools offered by logic. At
the core of Wybraniec-Skardowska’s scholarship is the idea that language is
an ontological being, characterized in compliance with the logical
conception of language proposed by Ajdukiewicz. The application throughout
the book of tools of classical logic and set theory results fosters the
emergence of a general formal logical theory of syntax, semantics and of
the pragmatics of language, which takes into account the duality token-type
in the understanding of linguistic expressions. Via a functional approach
to language itself, logic appears as ontologically neutral with respect to
existential assumptions relating to the nature of linguistic expressions
and their extra-linguistic counterparts.
Logic - Language - Ontology: Selected Works | SpringerLink

Associate Organization: Polish Association of Logic and Philosophy of
Science, presented by its president Tomasz Jarmużek

Chair: Janusz  Czelakowski
Editorial Board LU

Everybody is welcome to attend, register here:

Jean-Yves Beziau
Organizer of LUW
Editor-in-Chief of Logica Universalis and Studies in Universal Logic

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