LoChaMo1 is the first of a new series of international events about Logic, Chance and Money.
Keynote speakers include: Rohit Parikh (CUNY), Carolyn Talcott (SRI), Chris Fronda and Chelsea Toler (Logictry and KFG Foundation), Roy T. Cook (University of Minnesota), Volker Peckhaus (University of Paderborn, Germany), Maira de Cinque (University of Canada West), Jean-Yves Beziau (University of Brazil). We call for abstracts about logic, chance and money, linking in some way the three notions taken in a broad sense. Send a one page abstract by September 19, 2024 (max 300 words), to lochamo2...@gmail.com (Notification by September 26). LoChaMo 1 1st World Congress on Logic, Chance and Money Department of Philosophy, University of Nevada Las Vegas, United States November 16, 2024 - November 19, 2024 https://sites.google.com/view/lochamo1 -- LOGICA-L Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica <logica-l@dimap.ufrn.br> --- Você está recebendo esta mensagem porque se inscreveu no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos Grupos do Google. Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele, envie um e-mail para logica-l+unsubscr...@dimap.ufrn.br. Para acessar esta discussão na web, acesse https://groups.google.com/a/dimap.ufrn.br/d/msgid/logica-l/CAF2zFLDHhCR6817B%3Dj03Tw1W%2BKOr3bj5-Va0RbK1guefbkgtCw%40mail.gmail.com.