Hi members of logiweb@diku.dk,

As stated in the announcement a moment ago, Logiweb 0.2.5 is out.

During the last two years, Logiweb has got a complete overhaul. Furthermore, it has been used on a space project in Rovsing where it was demonstrated that use of literate programming can reduce the cost of software verification and validation.

If you have a spare hour and a PC with 2 gigabyte RAM, please help: Logiweb is packaged as .tar.gz, RPM, Debian, and Cygwin packages. I am very interested in knowing if the install intructions work and are easy to follow. So if you can find time for installing one of the packages (.tar.gz, RPM, Debian, or Cygwin), I would be very interested in positive as well as negative feedback. If you can even find time for doing some or all of the tutorial, I would also be very interested in feedback on that. Download and tutorial are at http://logiweb.eu/

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