Hi Itay,

I may be wrong about this and there may be an easier way -- hopefully someone 
will point that out -- but back to your original question then, the way that 
occurs to me would be conditional sequences. I'll share an example here in case 
that will help you assess if this is the right approach for what you want to do 
and perhaps provide a bit of guidance on how this works.  If you end up with 
specific instrucitons on how to do this perhaps you can reply to me off-list 
for more detail.

We make extensive use of conditional sequences in our lab courses to prevent 
students from accessing the postlab if they have not correctly entered their 
data into the Lon-Capa lab. Below is a graphic representation of what that 
looks like for one of our prelab -- lab -- postlab sequences. This screenshot 
comes from the "advanced editor" interface for creating the sequence.  The 
three "Res" blocks correspond to the prelab problem, the lab problem, and the 
postlab problem. The conditional references the lab problem (mapalias "inlab9") 
to see if all of the answers there have been answered correctly and if not, 
blocks access to the postlab problem. It looks like this:

(((&EXT('user.resource.resource.210.11.awarddetail','inlab9') eq 'APPROX_ANS') 
|| (&EXT('user.resource.resource.210.11.awarddetail','inlab9') eq 'EXACT_ANS')) 
&& ((&EXT('user.resource.resource.220.21.awarddetail','inlab9') eq 
'APPROX_ANS') || (&EXT('user.resource.resource.220.21.awarddetail','inlab9') eq 
'EXACT_ANS')) && ((&EXT('user.resource.resource.220.22.awarddetail','inlab9') 
eq 'APPROX_ANS') || (&EXT('user.resource.resource.220.22.awarddetail','inlab9') 
eq 'EXACT_ANS')) && 
((&EXT('user.resource.resource.220.23.awarddetail','inlab9') eq 'APPROX_ANS') 
|| (&EXT('user.resource.resource.220.23.awarddetail','inlab9') eq 'EXACT_ANS')) 
&& ((&EXT('user.resource.resource.220.24.awarddetail','inlab9') eq 
'APPROX_ANS') || (&EXT('user.resource.resource.220.24.awarddetail','inlab9') eq 
'EXACT_ANS'))) || (&EXT('user.resource.resource.210.solved','inlab9') eq 

(The last line of the conditional provides a way for the instructor to allow 
access to the postlab for a student with an excused absence from the lab.)

Your conditional may be quite a bit simpler being focused solely on whether or 
not the problem has its answer available.  I have not done that in a sequence 
before, but I have referenced it within a problem  and it looks like this: 
$external::datestatus eq 'SHOW_ANSWER'  I am NOT sure how (or if it's possible) 
to use that type of reference with a mapalias and hope someone else can help 
with that?

The one other thing I'll  point out about my sequence below is the path from 
the lab directly to Finish. That provides a path so as to not conditionally 
hide everything else in the course (as I once did when I first started working 
with sequences).

In your case, if I understand correctly, your sequence would contain two 
resources: the problem and the solution and the conditional would come between 
them and would verify that the answer was available for the problem before 
giving access to the solution.  I imagine that you could have a string of 
problem and solution pairs if you provided also a direct path from problem to 
problem so that all the problems were unconditionally available while each 
solution had a conditional path from its respective problem.

My very long .02.  If that seems like a viable approach for what you want to 
do, I'll be happy to answer additional questions off-list.



Douglas Mills
Director of Instructional Technology
Department of Chemistry
University of Illinois

From: LON-CAPA-users <lon-capa-users-boun...@mail.lon-capa.org> on behalf of 
Itay <it...@nospammail.net>
Reply-To: Discussion list for LON-CAPA users <lon-capa-users@mail.lon-capa.org>
Date: Monday, March 5, 2018 at 3:37 PM
To: Discussion list for LON-CAPA users <lon-capa-users@mail.lon-capa.org>
Subject: Re: [LON-CAPA-users] How to automatically display solution for a 

Doug, Lucas, and Justin,

Thank you very much for your reply.
This is exactly what I wanted, and will employ, for problems that I code.

What can be done for problems that others have authored?


On Mon, 5 Mar 2018, at 23:08, Justin Gray wrote:
Here is a sample problem that uses a block for after solved:

<problem><startouttext />Enter the correct answer 42 to see the hidden text or 
image:<endouttext />
<numericalresponse answer="42">

    <textline readonly="no" spellcheck="none" />


    <img encrypturl="no" /><startouttext /><p>Hooray!</p><endouttext />

Note that the solution could be, for example, a text/HTML block or an image.


Justin Gray | Senior Lecturer
Department of Mathematics | Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive, Burnaby | V5A 1S6 | Canada
Tel: +1 778.782.4237


On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 1:03 PM, Mills, Douglas G 
<dmi...@illinois.edu<mailto:dmi...@illinois.edu>> wrote:

HI Itay,

There these very handy "Blocks" you can insert in your problem code and I think 
the "postanswerdate" block will do what you want, but I'm including all four 
that can be found from the Insert menu on the "colorful" editor.  I would 
describe these as predefined conditionals so the postanswerdate pair, for 
example, will only display what is within the opening and closing tags after 
the answer has become available.  If you put your link to a solution PDF inside 
a pair of postanswerdate tags, that should do what you're looking for. The 
others work analogously I believe.






Douglas Mills

Director of Instructional Technology

Department of Chemistry

University of Illinois

From: LON-CAPA-users 
 on behalf of Itay <it...@nospammail.net<mailto:it...@nospammail.net>>
Reply-To: Discussion list for LON-CAPA users 
Date: Monday, March 5, 2018 at 2:34 PM
To: Discussion list for LON-CAPA users 
Subject: [LON-CAPA-users] How to automatically display solution for a problem?


I failed to find a solution to this seemingly simple and universal issue.

Conditional sequences might be the mechanism I am looking for, but I could not 
find enough details and examples of implementation.

Assume I prepared and published a problem  'some.problem', and a corresponding 
solution 'solution.pdf'.

I imported the problem into a course and set the parameters duedate and 

I am looking for a mechanism that will allow me

(1) to include a reference to the 'solution.pdf' inside 'some.problem'; and

(2) will display 'solution.pdf' to the students only when 'answerdate' is 
reached and the answer for 'some.problem' is displayed.

And I would like to achieve this for every problem inside a folder and/or a 

I would appreciate any hints on how to achieve that.

Thanks in advance,


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