On Tue, 6 Feb 2001, Robin Houston wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 06, 2001 at 07:29:53AM -0500, Dave Cross wrote:
> > I've been investigating places to hold Damian's meeting and I've already
> > got some interesting leads (the Conway Hall looks like it might well
> > work out!)
> Conway Hall would be a great venue, for the name alone!
> It can't be too expensive, because it's used by any number of
> fringe anarcho groups, who presumably don't have too much cash
> spilling around.

Yeah, in the late seventies - early eighties you used to get bands the
like of Crass and Crisis playing there (use Google you yoofs) I think it
is (the hall that is ) thinged up with some religious group with strong
socialist (in the general rather than party sense) political views ...

Jonathan Stowe                   |
http://www.gellyfish.com         |       I'm with Grep on this one
http://www.tackleway.co.uk       |

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