On Thu, 14 Dec 2000, you wrote:
> no you miss the point, you americans should go for him and drink
> him drink for drink under the table - its a good idea trust me ;-)

this is a VERY good plan ... we all know how Murricans can knock back the
Budweisser and Miller Lite like the best of em .. in Ireland they have
weak crappy beers and some poor sub standard whisky (like whiskey only
not as strong ) you'll have no trouble at matching any Iriishman drink
for drink .. trust me .. you'll not regret it .. 

thinks back to amusing college incident with American exchange student
and discovery that, after 4 pints, Theakstons Old Peculiar  did not have
the same alcohol content as four Miller Lites like we told him .. silly
mistake .. easily made ... 

Robin Szemeti

The box said "requires windows 95 or better"
So I installed Linux!

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