On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 09:21:13PM +0000, Dave Cross wrote:
> I thought the kill/fuck thing was something that George Carlin did as
> part of his "seven words you can't say on the radio"[1] routine.
> Davidson may have appropriated it, but it wouldn't have been anywhere
> near as funny.
> "Okay, sheriff, we're gonna fuck you now. But we're gonna fuck you
> reealll slloowww."
> Dave...
> [1] If anyone doesn't know this classic routine, the seven words are
>     "shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker and tits". Things
>     have obviously changed in the intervening years.

This routine (although it's television, not radio - you may be
confusing this with "I bet you they won't play this song on the radio"
from the Monty Python Contractual Obligation album) is on Class
Clown.  About a year later, carlin did a piece called "Filthy Words"
on Occupation:Foole, which added "fart, turd and twat" to the list.
The later act is, IMO, actually funnier.

dha, who can probably still recite all the carlin albums up through On
The Road verbatim...

David H. Adler - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.panix.com/~dha/
"It's all in the mind." - Madness

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