Dean S Wilson writes:
> Of course, CD Bookshelf products and ematter versions of some titles
> are only two of many experiments we're running in an attempt to build
> up business models for online books. We will be selling online access
> to individual books and collections of books on a subscription basis
> starting next year. And I imagine that we'll figure out some way of
> giving a discount to people who've previously bought books. (It's a
> good argument for product registration for books, so we know who's
> bought them, and can make these kind of offers.)

"Safari" is the name for the O'Reilly online book project, and it's
pretty sweet.  It's in beta-test now.  It's kinda like you can build
your own CD bookshelf by subscribing to only the books you want, only
you never get the CD :-)


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