
I'm using File::Find to recursively get all the files from a directory
structure, then splitting each $File::Find::name into an array.
What I need to do is put this into a data structure like:
The directory listing would be:

I know I've done this before, but I'll be damned if I can find it or
remember how I did it.

my $directory = '\\gbu'; # Sorry it's on Windows!

find(\&getfiles, $directory);


sub getfiles {
        my $file = $File::Find::name;
        return if (! $file);
        if (-f $file) {
                $file =~ s/^\\//g;
                my @fp = split(/\//,$file);
                # Somehow need to get this into %DIRSTRUCT!!
                ...<insert code here :)>

Please Help!




"This sounds like a twelve-change-of-underwear trip."


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