David Cantrell wrote:
> # untested code
> $file=~!(.*)/(.*)!;
> ($dir, $file)=($1, $2);  # Get the directory and filename portions
> # there's a module to do that, but I can't remember what it's called

File::Basename, probably. Or maybe File::Spec->splitdir().

> $dir=~s!/!}{!; $dir='{'.$dir.'}';        # now looks like {dir1}{dir2}
> eval('$dirstruct{mydir}'.$dir.'=$file'); # Hah!  Just you try 
> that in C!
> Adapting this for systems which use different directory seperators and
> making it store more than one file per directory is left as a trivial
> exercise for the reader :-)

The second is easy:

    eval('push @{$dirstruct{mydir}'.$dir.'}, $file');


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