>At Thu, 18 Jan 2001 16:03:39 +0000, "Andy Wardley" 
>>  On Jan 18,  4:57am, Dave Cross wrote:
>>  > OK. So we're now a speaker down. Anyone want to save the day by
>>  > stepping in to give a 20 min talk - or do I have to talk about
>>  Symbol::Approx::Sub _again_?
>>  I can talk all night given half the chance (and appropriate throatal
>>  lubrication :-)
>...and most of us would love to listen to you :)
>Simon has already stepped into the breach. Thanks for the offer tho'.

Simon did say he was feeling rough, so he might be grateful for being 
able to take a rain check.

I think his birfday celebrations are having an adverse effect on him.

Neil C. Ford

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