On 19 Jan 2001, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:

> David Cantrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > And the UK doesn't have high water tables (in some places and not in others,
> > just like anywhere else) or vicious weather (again, in some places not in
> > others, just like anywhere else).  But it strikes me as being absurd that I
> > hear EVERY YEAR of the power going out for large areas of major cities in
> > .us, something which just doesn't happen in Europe.
> It should be mandatory for all public servants to be adept at Sim
> City.

Thats where I went wrong when I was working in the public sector - I used
to play Duke Nukem all the time :)

Jonathan Stowe                   |   
http://www.gellyfish.com         |       I'm with Grep on this one 
http://www.tackleway.co.uk       |

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