Greg Cope <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Dear All
> All the posts about XP and a Slashdot article about it got me thinking
> and I have a generic question for the virtual floor.
> Does Anyone know of any good perl test tutorials - i.e how to make
> various test suites for a perl modules "make test" target ?
> I've seen the Test::Harness stuff - but am after a guide - or a few
> simple examples.  All the code I read in CPAN modules t/ dir appears to
> be written in any old fasion.

Any old fashion appears to be the done thing at the moment.

> Clues please, otherwise I'll continue to add to the t/ dir code pool in
> any old way.. ;-)

Well, I'm currently going through the Test::Unit code trying to make it
reliable (I had problems when I first used it with it breaking badly
in some strange places), adding some more tests to its test
classes and trying to make its assertion failures rather more

Once that's done, Test::Unit is a rather neat set of tools for writing
OO testcases and the like, which even has a rather lovely Tk based
progress thing.


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