> >
> > so in retrospect what would be the best format to produce a book in?
> Oh, I'd probably do something based using the Template Toolkit :)
> But seriously, probably DocBook, or Latex.

We are assuming technical type book here then? I wonder if anyone has
written a novel in Latex?

The single thing I look for most when writing is the ability to see the
maximum amount of text without having to scroll. Handwriting wins for this.
Indeed some people have gone so far as to suggest that modern novels have a
perceptible stylistic bent caused by the use of word processors, which lead
to overfast writing, and tendency not to review your work often enough
(because reading via a computer screen is such a pain).

I generally find myself writing outlines on paper or in textpad and then
finishing in MSWord, since that's how everyone wants the final product.

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