On Wed 24 Jan, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>       Dreamweaver (I know, don't ask)

But I must ! You are only the second person I have heard of who has used

In November I was asked by a Judge to convert a court guide written in Word
into HTML. Only real problem was the index which was good, but indexed
pages, not paragraphs. I solved this with a bit of creative editing of the
Word file, a script, and MakeIndex. A colleague and I then checked each page
on every available OS and browser and it was then sent off by the Judge to
Court Service to be put on their site, assuming it would appear there within
a couple of days.

It turned out that Court Service requires that every page on its site should
be topped and tailed with a template which ensures that the page is in the
default colours of white text on a sludge blue background. Hardly difficult
to achieve, although hideous[1]. Even without using TT, and as an amateur, it
took me less than half an hour to extract the templates from another file on
the site and to write a script that topped and tailed all 37 files in about
20 seconds. (OK, my version probably needed a bit of tidying up by hand.)

But when I asked those in charge of the Court Service site why they could
not do the same I was told "We don't have Perl and we don't need it, we use
Dreamweaver. It will take us 5 days to do the work". 

The files appeared on the CS site 6 weeks later.

Am I right in thinking that what CS said made as much sense as "We don't
need a case of claret because we have a pound of brussels sprouts"?

[1] http://www.courtservice.gov.uk
Roger Horne
11 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London WC2A 3QB

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