On Mon, 14 May 2001, you wrote:
> Piers Cawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I respectfully suggest that we don't train the little buggers in
> > schools. We teach them stuff. 
> Wrong. We show them how to learn.

I respectfully suggest that 50% of them have no interest whatsoever in
learning anything. Whats worse they have a determined interest in
preventing the remaining 50% from learning anything either. Add to
that a restrictive legal system that punishes any teacher who
attempts to control them and couple this with an education system that
believes that 'everyone should achieve something' and the best way of
reallising that goal is to make the 'something' so simple that a hamster
could pass it and you begin to get the picture.

Most universities are no longer intrested in academic standards but have
been forced into getting as many bums on seats as possible and out of the
door three years later with a piece of paper, because points mean prizes
and if thats what you have to do to keep the funding coming in .. then
thats what you do. Given that the raw material coming up from the schools
is more poorly educated year by year and the picture becomes all to

What the hell happened to the youth that did amusing things with steam
engines, collected stamps and had a chemistry set? .. give a 16 year old
a chemistry set today and they'd try and inject it.

Robin Szemeti

The box said "requires windows 95 or better"
So I installed Linux!

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