On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 10:24:56PM +0200, Niklas Nordebo wrote:
> As usual, registration can be bypassed by replacing www with channel, ie:
> http://channel.nytimes.com/2001/05/03/technology/03SOFT.html

On similar lines, robots.cnn.com is ad free.



`The first word spoken by the model since the April 29 crash was "Coke,"
 said her manager, Lou Taylor (no relation). Her doctor rejected the            
 request for the soft drink, saying she was not ready yet'

Er, soft drink, eh?

`Taylor suffered liver and abdominal injuries in the accident, though      
 her face was not marred.'

Phew, thank Ghod for that -- for a moment I was concerned, but now I
know she's still good looking; what a relief! </sarcasm>



> -- 
> Niklas Nordebo -><- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -><- +447966251290

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