This is dated from beginning of last year, and mutt is saying that's
about 13,700 messages (gasp!). Note that some people
(<cough/>dcross<cough/>) appear more than once. Not that a) they
necessarily need it b) have any hope, ever, of catching Greg...

      Greg McCarroll: 1546 **************************************************
          Dave Cross:  762 ************************
      Jonathan Stowe:  729 ***********************
       Robin Szemeti:  586 ******************
      David Cantrell:  563 ******************
      Paul Makepeace:  504 ****************
        Leon Brocard:  459 **************
        Piers Cawley:  378 ************
      David H. Adler:  365 ***********
        Simon Wistow:  355 ***********
       Philip Newton:  331 **********
   Jonathan Peterson:  316 **********
     Michael Stevens:  258 ********
         Mark Fowler:  250 ********
    David Hodgkinson:  223 *******
     Dave Hodgkinson:  198 ******
       Aaron Trevena:  192 ******
       Robert Shiels:  176 *****
      Redvers Davies:  176 *****
   Roger Burton West:  156 *****
    Dominic Mitchell:  152 ****
        Steve Mynott:  147 ****
           Neil Ford:  144 ****
                Dean:  139 ****
        Simon Cozens:  134 ****
       Robin Houston:  128 ****
       Richard Clamp:  122 ***
 Elaine -HFB- Ashton:  120 ***
        James Powell:  118 ***
       Peter Corlett:  117 ***
   Nathan Torkington:  109 ***
       Struan Donald:  108 ***
dcross - David Cross:  106 ***
Matthew Byng-Maddick:  100 ***
         Tony Bowden:   97 ***
     Marcel Grunauer:   96 ***
          Paul Mison:   95 ***
Cross David - dcross:   86 **
        Andy Wardley:   83 **
       Dean S Wilson:   82 **

Paul, *finally* not anywhere near the top.

PS The ratty bit of code, should anyone wish to automate this, that
   produces this is:

cat $* | formail +1 -x From: -ds | perl -lne 's-\\?"--g;s/(\w+), ([\w\s]+\w)/$2 $1/;/^ 
(\w.*) </ and $p{$1}++; END {printf "%20s: %4d\n",$p,$n while ($p,$n) = each %p}' | 
sort -t : -k 2,2rn | head -40 | perl -lpe 's-(\d+)$-"$1 "."*"x($1*($s||=50/$1))-e'

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