I was working on my talk for YAPC::Europe and I got a little distracted,
with the following problem and I also thought some of you might like to 
think about it.

First of all, consider the problem of distributing N points around the
origin evenly in 2D, so they are all the same distance from the origin.

Now this is quite easy, you can simply imagine a circle and the points
placed around the circle, each 360/N degrees apart in terms of projections
from the origin.

Simple huh?

Ok, now how can you distribute N points around the origin in _3_ dimensions,
again all of them at the same distance from the origin? Obviously
there will be an imaginary sphere again, but where do you put the points.

Thoughts are welcome, i'm currently trying to solve it and having
lots of gotchas. However if you have a complete solution please put
in some *spoiler* space.  


Greg McCarroll                      

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