At 07/11/2002 11:55 [], David Cantrell wrote:
On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 09:08:14AM +0000, Greg McCarroll wrote:

> Has anyone tried out Zoe[1], it is one of those fancy e-mail
> client/organisers with whizzy bang search features and drill downs for
> your mail.

I try it every so often, but it doesn't work.  Downloaded it again today,
still can't get it to run, can't be bothered to debug java.

To run it, you're meant to just cd to its directory and do this ...

david@plough:~/Zoe$ java -jar Zoe.jar
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: alt/dev/szobject/SZStore
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at kaffe.jar.ExecJarName.main(
        at kaffe.jar.ExecJar.main(
What am I missing here?  java.lang.* is part of the core and damned well
should be found.
I think that the line immediately above the <snip> answers your question. You're using Kaffe, which isn't always totally compatible with the Sun, Blackdown or IBM Java releases. Get eg the Sun JRE1.3 and you should be fine.



S. Joel Bernstein :: joel at fysh dot org :: t: 020 8458 2323
"Nobody is going to claim that Perl 6's OO is "bolted on". Well, except
maybe for certain Slashdotters who don't know the difference
between rational discussion and cheerleading..." -- Larry Wall

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