The nominations for leader of closed on Sunday at noon, GMT.
In total, there were six valid nominations and five invalid nominations,
as well as two that missed the deadline. However, none of the seven
nominations that I did not count would have affected the outcome of the
nomination round.

The following candidates have accepted their nominations, and are
invited to post a brief manifesto to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
preferably before voting opens:

David Cantrell
Richard Clamp
Mark Fowler

Here are the instructions for voting in the Leadership election. Please
read them carefully as invalid votes will just be ignored.

Voting will open on Monday, 18th November at 12:00 GMT and end on
Wednesday, 4th December at 21:00 GMT. The result will be announced on
the social meeting on Thursday, 5th December at the Calthorpe Arms.

When you vote, you can vote for up to three candidates in order, with 1
being the first preference, 2 the second preference and 3 the third
preference. In the event that a candidate fails to win 50% of the first
preference votes, the candidate with least first preference votes will
be eliminated and the second choices of the voters who chose them will
be redistributed. This will continue until a candidate has over 50% of the votes.

Voters who dislike PR are reminded they can merely use their first choice. You are also reminded that you do not have to vote for a candidate if you nominated them, although you may.

In addition to the candidates, you can vote for Re-Open Nominations
(RON) with any of your votes.

You can vote as many times as you like, but the last vote that is
recieved before the closing time will be taken as your actual vote.

As with nominations, voting is open to members of the group. Membership
of the group will be taken as being on the mailing list, as of
10pm on 29th October. Duplicate addresses will be weeded out at my
discretion. Votes should come from a subscribed address with your usual
posting name.

To vote, please mark your choices with '1', '2' and '3' in the following
form, and send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-------- Form Starts --------
David Cantrell [ ]
Richard Clamp [ ]
Mark Fowler [ ]
Re-Open Nominations [ ]
-------- Form Ends ----------

May the best man win.

:: paul
:: we're like crystal

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