On Sun, Nov 17, 2002 at 10:57:00PM +0000, alex wrote:
> [a] What, in your eyes, is the worst thing that london.pm has ever done?
      (i)  why?
> [b] What, if anything, would you have done to stop them from carrying
>     out this heinous act, if you were leader?
> [c] What are your leaderly plans for penderel (the computer)?
      (i)  who will have root?
      (ii) how will you go about making sure that people who aren't
           supposed to don't have root?
  [d] What is the best thing that london.pm has done, and what will you do
      to try and make sure that it, or something similar happens again?
  [e] How will you try and attract more new faces to london.pm, so that it
      doesn't just become the same old clique?

My £0.02

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