On 14 Jul 2003 at 13:41, Paul Johnson wrote:

> I dunno.  Works for me.
> > This is with ActivePerl 623 (based on 5.6.0).
> Solaris 5.6.1 and 5.8.0.

A small test-case just worked for me on Linux 2.4.7 and 5.8.0... I 
suppose the answer is "Update, my man!", then.

Thanks for the confirmation.

> I'd look at Scalar::Util::looks_like_number()  I think you'll need the
> CPAN version. 

Thanks; that sounds handy, too. Not sure whether I can install it, 
though, unless it's been ppm-ified. (Here by Windows.)

Or perhaps I should simply test on the Linux box, which has 
perl5.8.0... only thing is it belongs to a project I worked on 
formerly, so I probably shouldn't be using it, in theory. Have to see.

Philip Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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