On Thu, 21 Aug 2003 16:12, Toby Corkindale wrote;

  TC> Ick. Have they got around to supporting transactions yet? :P

No, they're too dumb for that - but a company called InnoDB basically
re-wrote the core parts of MySQL and called it a "storage back-end".
It's free and included in the MySQL distribution, except the hot
backup license (very smart move).

In fact, it's even compiled in by default with Debian stable, all you
need to do is change some config options, bounce MySQL, re-create all
your tables & reload your data :-) and you're away laughing ... works
very well using raw LVM partitions as tablespaces (I haven't yet found
a way to add more table space online, but I may just be overlooking
the obvious).



UNIX, n:
   Anything which is subtly incompatible with everything else claming
   to be a UNIX.

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