On 2 Sep 2003 at 10:09, Roger Burton West wrote:

> I still have copies of most of the archivers and compressors I was
> playing with in those days... anyone remember UC2? HA? SAR? ACB? 

I had a bunch squirrelled away on my old hard drive (125 MB, the 
luxury). I should have that backed up on CD-R somewhere but I'd have to 
dig for quite a while.

Of those you mentioned, I only ever saw HA. (My version had a bug in 
that its help output had lines terminated IIRC by CR CR LF, causing it 
to double-space on my screen unless I piped it through a filter.)

A couple of others I had were HAP (and its companion, PAH), SQZ, DWC 
(by Dean W. Cooper), PKPAK, LHARC, LHA, ICE(?), ZOO, and AR.

I don't think I ever saw a DWC or AR archive "in the wild", though. ICE 
was basically a renamed LHA, so that doesn't really count; I think most 
.lzh were LHA rather than the older LHARC. I didn't come across many 
.ARC archives either (which PKPAK and ARC created IIRC), but I did see 
a couple. ZOO appears to be very old indeed (and was even fairly 
portable, apparently; I saw a description of moving them over to a VMS 
machine with Kermit, for example).

I remember whatever produced .ARC because it produced really bad 
compression in two ways: didn't squeeze as much out of the file as most 
other utilities, and the resulting file couldn't be compressed much, 

There were probably tons more that sprung up after "my time" as well; I 
remember seeing a compression comparison site with all sorts of apps, 
though most appeared to be newer (as in, developed in the last six or 
seven years).

Philip Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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