My 102 students often asks me why SQL is needed for a Linux sysadm.

I give the reason that they might need to install some software eg. a CMS,
requires a SQL database and a SQL user.
And they shouldn't just give the MySQL root-password to the developers.

I also tell them that MySQL is much more used than other RDBS on Linux so
they should focus on MySQL.
Then I teach them how to create a MySQL user, a little bit about grants and
how to create an database.

I think that a Junior Linux Sysadm. should be able to create a MySQL user
and database.
However he/she doesn't need to understand group by, subqueries etc.

I know that PostgreSQL is much better for programming but for a Junior
Sysadm. specific MySQL knowledge is important.

So move the focus away from the SQL language to more sysadm. task based
items eg. create a MySQL user, database, backup/restore etc.

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