Hi there,

Firstly, thanks for your reply.

> Check "lpq -L" between jobs and find out if ifhp or lpd is causing
> the delay.  If you have a long waitend delay or high waitend repeat
> (number of times to keep polling the printer for pagecount or status
> until the response stablizes), you will see such delays.

I did include the output from the log file in my original message.
Here it is again:

Here's some (edited for clarity) information from status.pr:

# here's a job that's just finishing...

printing finished at 2003-11-27-14:33:14.630 ##
accounting at end at 2003-11-27-14:33:19.411 ##
finished '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', status 'JSUCC' at 2003-11-27-14:33:19.411 ##

# at this stage, the job has printed out, but there's a lengthy
# delay....

waiting for subserver to exit at 2003-11-27-14:37:19.605 ##

# there's a wait of approximately 4 minutes before this (above) appears, and
# immediately the next job starts going...

subserver pid 23697 exit status 'JSUCC' at 2003-11-27-14:37:19.605 ##
printer%9100: job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' printed at 2003-11-27-14:37:19.605 ##
job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' removed at 2003-11-27-14:37:19.606 ##
subserver pid 23825 starting at 2003-11-27-14:37:29.897 ##

There are a couple of important things to note:

- we run our own print filters, not ifhp, in the example above the
last message from the filter immediately precedes the ...

printing finished at 2003-11-27-14:33:14.630 ##

... line.

So, I'm pretty sure it's nothing to do with the filtering process.

- lpd talks directly to the printer on the Socket API port (9100),
  i.e. the lp= line is ip.of.printer%9100

> If ifhp is causing the delay, you many want to give some serious
> thought to changing your printcap to use an SNMP-based waitend
> rather than using HP's PJL implementation.

What is used in the above case where lpd talks directly to the

> If ifhp is clearly exiting but the queue still sits waiting, you
> have other problems to work with.  Perhaps a shortage of file
> descriptors or similar system resource.  You'd be best to
> strace/truss the main lpd process and watch for errors there, or
> enable some lpd debugging and see what you get.

We didn't get anything useful from lpd debugging, or at least nothing
I could see - the crucial point is that it seems to be waiting for the
subserver to exit.  How can I debug the subserver - is it just another
lpd process?  I seem to recall it is, so perhaps I could strace this
and see if that gives me any info as to why it's waiting.


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